Wednesday 22 August 2012

Murgatroyd's, Yeadon, Leeds

I now know why Harry Ramsden's went bust. It's a cut throat business fish and chips, especially in the highly competitive 'chip shops with restaurants and plenty of parking situated on busy road junctions in small towns north-west of Leeds' market. Ramsden's, no longer top of their game, didn't stand a chance against the upstart down the road in Yeadon.

I visited Murgatroyd's completely by accident, plans for a Bradford kebab en route from Halifax to an airport pick-up being scuppered by Ramadan. The roti house owners and chapli kebab purveyors having closed their doors to partake in iftar, the first post-sundown meal of the day. I'll know better next time.

Still, what a satisfying accident. The finest fish and chips I've eaten in a long time, the flash affected photo really doesn't do it justice. A broad, fat size twelve slipper of haddock was dreamy, flakey flesh resplendent in light, crisp batter.

And what chips. I'm always banging on about the ideal chippy chip and how it should combine crunchy edges with hints of greasiness and a creamy interior. Not autumn leaf dry and rustly like frites, not mealy like the godforsaken pub chunky chip. These were almost the ideal chippy chip. Not quite perfect but damn close to it.

On this occasion I chose curry sauce as a lubricant, so I can't comment on the wonder of the peas or otherwise. The curry was good though, and not too salty as is sometimes the case.

Just over six quid with a can of pop if I recall correctly, and best eaten outside in the dark at the picnic tables provided. Lovely stuff. Who needs Harry Ramsden's?


Harrogate Road
LS19 7BN


  1. Always great on your way back from Leeds Bradford Airport!

  2. Or on your way to the airport for holidays!

  3. Or on your way to the airport to pick someone up...

    Who needs an excuse really, just go to Yeadon.

  4. I've just got back from sampling the 'great' fish and chips in Whitby.

    Granted I've happened across this review whilst looking at summat else so it's a couple of years old now but these look far better and I'm in agreement with the ideal chips being 'crunchy... with hints of greasiness...'.

    Relatively local to me; must give it a go.
